Juliette McConachy

Discover and grow in capacity to bear the tender and often-times harrowing sensations of being human.

Develop the sensitivity to listen and respond to the call of the world from within and around you.

Walk in re-claimation of your power to choose your life and the inmost impulse of your soul fulfilment.

Somatic Movement Therapy, in a trauma aware, safe and insightful and soulful atmosphere.

In person or online.


$75/hr financial hardship (please request coupon code)

Prices in NZD

Who is Somatic Movement Therapy for ?

Anyone and everybody with a body.

If you’re curious about embodiment.

If you’re hungry to explore your connection with Self and Soul.

If you want to better understand the sensations and emotions you experience.

If you want to (re)learn to trust the language of your body and the way the world is speaking to you.

If you want support digesting and assimilating life experiences.

If you want change but feel inhibited and aren’t sure how to create movement.

If you want to learn how to rest, relax and “switch off” from the habits of the mind.

If you’re a survivor of trauma and want to (re)claim freedom, joy and peace.

If you suffer anxiety, depression, chronic pain/illness or on going discomfort in your body and want to make space for things to be different.

If you want to uncover a more centred, empowered, present and connected life.

When to reach out for therapy ?

Therapy’s bad stigma is on the way out at last, thank goodness! Now we can reach for the support we deserve without feeling like we might be the only who can’t “keep it together”.

Life “falls apart”, that is just the nature of things.

And in the over cultures insistence on inderpendance the health of interbeing nature is a severance we all suffer. Truth is we all deserve/need support and connection, not just in trying times but also in times when we are flying high. Celebration is just as important as having someone sit beside you while your eyes adjust in dark and pain.

So, when to reach out? Yesterday! and today/anytime.

There is always a way we can meet in depth and bring forth more revelation of the wisdom in the centre of all things.

The thing with this kind of therapy is - because you will always have a soma - a body, connect to the world and the deep dream of who you are here to be, you will always have you learn with/from and to explore. There’s unending depth to your body.

What do you get out of somatic movement therapy ?

You get you! Authentic, spontaneous, creative, and free!

Just like the famous add said - ‘It wont happen over night! but it will happen!’

Somatic Movement Therapy skills us in the language of sensation and dream/the imaginal.

Through sensitising to the felt experience of our subconscious, which exists and communes as sensation, emotion, feeling, thought, dream and imagery, we come to better understand and know why we are the way we are. This self awareness leads to greater agency in action. We learn to act in accordance with the present instead of re-act in unconscious-loyalty to our past.

With space to assimilate some of the more painful parts of our lives we can shape our greatest challenges into our deepest wisdom and compassion.

Good therapy ought to lead you to be in your body and life with greater confidence. To be accept your foibles and to see and keep developing your strengths.

Good therapy ought to lead you to feel more resilient. To be skilled at both rest and action.

Good therapy ought to support you to make choices you’re proud of. To be honest in your life, and lovingly so.

Good therapy ought to lead you toward being your own good friend: company you feel comfortable in, and company you are comfortable to share with others

Get in touch today to book your session.